Pride In Your Work: Matthew Rome
Matthew Rome is a physical therapist who operates Equilibrium Physical Therapy in New York City. He is dedicated to improving the health of his patients, which is why you’ll only find him practicing techniques that have been shown to work. In fact, Matt’s entire physical therapy practice takes an evidence-based approach to meet each patient’s needs.
Matt puts the same level of pride into his personal life by focusing on passions like physical fitness, skincare, and his interest in science.
How would you describe your grooming routine, and what is your goal?
Morning: Wake up, wash face, trim beard, and shave. Shower with BSG Shampoo and Conditioner. Facial moisturizer. BSG Texture Liniment.
Bedtime: Face wash, toner, and night moisturizer.
The goal for me is prevention. My wrinkles are setting in around the eyes and I’m hoping to slow the process down. I always want to look sharp with clean beard lines. As a medical provider, I need to present myself professionally.
What does your typical day look like, and what do you do to make it productive?
I wake up and go straight to coffee and emails, then to the office to see patients and assist the office staff. Productivity comes from an unrelenting drive for growth along with underlying fear of failure.
How did you choose your career and why?
I have always loved the Physical Therapy profession. I’ve been into sports and health care since I was little, so this field fit perfectly. I also love working with people and getting to know them, and PT is perfect for that as we develop relationships with our clients during the rehab process.
The BSG battle cry is “Pride in Your Work.” What does that phrase mean to you?
Pride is always driven from passion. Personal satisfaction comes from offering unique services to the public with care, dedication, and pinpoint accuracy.
What are your personal and professional goals right now?
The goal is constant growth while never sacrificing the integrity of my client- and employee-focused business model. The bottom line is always important, but running a medical business where the internal environment is positive, warm, and cohesive is the key to a good patient experience.
If you could talk to a younger version of yourself, what advice would you give?
Moisturize your face! I didn’t start good facial care habits until around age 30. I wish I had started at 20!
What are the most important things you do to make yourself more appealing to a potential partner?
Stay in shape and present yourself well. That includes facial hair care and dressing well.
What’s the most played song in your library?
Better question would be podcast. I’m pretty addicted to the StarTalk All-Stars podcast.
What’s something you recently bought that changed your life?
A Dyson vacuum cleaner. The hype is real.
What designers, artists, trend leaders or other people are you inspired by?
I love the work of Michael Kagan. I’m a space nerd, and he paints some awesome stuff of space shuttle launches, astronauts, and fighter cockpits. I have a 40×80 oil on canvas of his hanging in the clinic.