An American Idol: From Stage to Spray
Since being thrust into the spotlight on the fourth season of the former FOX hit show American Idol (which has a re-boot beginning soon on ABC), Constantine Maroulis has been a Broadway mainstay, starring in everything from Rock of Ages (for which he received a Tony nomination) and Jekyll and Hyde.
But that rock-star vocal style that made him famous on the stage and the small screen, isn’t the 42-year old New Jersey-native’s only trademark. Maroulis is also known for covet-worthy hair. He sat down with BSG to talk to us about his haircare regimen, his career and what’s next for the former Idol!
BSG: Let’s talk about your hair… would you say it’s been your trademark?
CM: I would have to say yes; it’s always been my trademark. I’ve had it long since 2000! I cut all my hair off in the late 90s after growing it quite long while I was playing in bands and acting in NYC. Then, when I went to drama school at Boston Conservatory, I chopped it. I had to get serious or something (laughs). Then came my role in RENT and I believe I was the first long haired brunette “Roger” to do the part, although they would put chunks of highlights in. You can see them during the early days of my American Idol run which was shortly after. There the hair saga truly began. I even starting blowing it out!
BSG: What do you do to maintain it? Regimen? Favorite types of products?
CM: I remember thinking when I was a kid and my father told me he only shampooed his hair once or twice a week that he was crazy… But that’s basically what I do now! I lean towards more cleansing conditioners then shampoos… I use dry shampoo’s sometimes and only conditioner if I have to and scrunch a little in at the end of my shower as leave in. I was doing the man bun in the 90s so they can suck it! [Writer’s note: Read about why I despise man buns here] But now that I’m older I do like to wear it back a bit as well…other wise, I air dry and maybe some oils to smooth and scrunch [Writer’s note: We recommend BSG’s Hair Serum]. Did I just say all that?
BSG: Any styling tips or advice for other guys who want to wear their hair like yours?
CM: Even with curly hair it’s all about the cut so definitely investigate some pictures you like from models you will never look like… And bring them to somebody you trust. I think it’s best to cut curly hair when it’s dry. My mother used to scream at me for touching my hair all the time but it brings out the natural oils and it will start to do more of what you want it to do if it’s a little greasy.
BSG: How much time would you say you spend on your hair everyday?
CM: These days I’m working so much and on the road I just don’t have all of my stuff with me all the time… Plus I’m a father and I have no time for me…just this Dad bod I’m perfecting. I’ve got it down to basically 10 minutes on either side of the shower. Defusing is truly a luxury that happens maybe twice a year unless I’m having someone do some grooming for a big event.
BSG: What would you call your hairstyle?
CM: Well thank God into my 40s I still have a big old mop of hair… Not nearly as long as it used to be or as they call around but pretty damn good and I’ll take it… Hope this takes me well into my old age! I think mine is just “wavy curly beachy rocker” … but then slicking it back and clean shaven it becomes a whole new thing. [Kinda like] a fake Russell Brand!?
BSG: Do chicks dig the long hair? (Lol)
CM: That’s what I’m hoping.. still waiting.. and waiting.. and wai… zzzz and sleep.
BSG: If you had a “hair idol,” who would that be?
CM: Hands-down hair idol had to be Johnny Depp when I was growing up… God he was cool in his Fastback Mustang on 21 Jump Street. His hair is a character in everything he does.
BSG: Lately you’ve been rocking some facial hair too… is that for a role or personal preference?
CM: The facial hair comes and goes for sure… As my mother says I look a lot younger when I shave… But sometimes it’s nice for acting parts. Yes, I guess I’ve done some hairy parts in the last couple of years which have required some facial hair… It’s coming in a little gray and white now, people seem to like it yet it is so sad and terrible for me!
BSG: American Idol is re-booting – are you going to be a part of it in any way?
CM: It was such an honor to be back on the series finale on Fox last season and to be back on the show mentoring as well… It will always hold a place in my heart. Those were the days when I was on the show with 30-40 million people watching at night three times a week! It was like Hunger Games but like real life! I would love to be a part of the new season and I think I’ve had a very interesting path to success all the while doing it in New York City. I’m still Page Six-worthy! I’ve also had two Tony nominations, which has been a dream and I’ve not only starred in shows but have also produced them. I’d be a great mentor to the new crop of Idols.
BSG: What advice would you give to the new idols?
CM: Be nice… You have the Internet at your disposal now to do the research and find really interesting songs and do them a different way, strip them down and give an earnest, honest performance. Don’t oversell, and don’t over-sing! Find a project like I did with Rock of Ages and make it your own. And good luck! It’s hard out here for a pimp.
BSG: If our readers want to find out more about you, where can we find you?
CM: I’m fresh off an international tour starring with the world-famous Postmodern Jukebox, and currently reviving my Jekyll and Hyde from Broadway regionally down here in Virginia, as well as doing some teaching at the Governor School with some excellent hopefuls for Broadway and popular music. I put out some new songs that are available on iTunes and Spotify and my single “All About You” has been getting played on the radio and beyond! The rest of the time, I’m being dad to 7-year old Malena James, who believe it or not, has straight hair.
You can find me at ConstantineMaroulis.com and on social media…
Twitter: @ConstantineM
FB: @ConstantineMOfficial
IG: @ConstantineMaroulis
Snap: @CMaroulis