8 Benefits an ARTAS Hair Transplant Can Give You - Barber Surgeons Guild®
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8 Benefits an ARTAS Hair Transplant Can Give You

When men first notice thinning hair, they usually haven’t reached a point where an ARTAS hair transplant can give them the best results. In the beginning stages, it makes more sense to use BSG hair care products that contain the BSG Trichoanagenic Factor. BSG Trichoanagenic Factor will stimulate hair growth and slow thinning hair.

Once you start losing your hair, though, products can only slow the progress. Eventually, you will lose enough hair that ARTAS robotic hair regeneration makes sense.

ARTAS hair transplant benefits will affect several areas of your life. At BSG, we maximize the results by using Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) in combination with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections.

After you get your ARTAS hair transplant at BSG, you can expect to see the following benefits over the next year and beyond

You Will Heal Quickly After Your ARTAS Hair Transplant

The ARTAS hair transplant system lets BSG’s doctors target the best hair grafts. Since we harvest the best grafts, we don’t need to take as many samples as doctors that use other hair transplant methods.

The fewer grafts we harvest, the faster your body will heal after your hair transplant. You can go on with your everyday life without the pain caused by most types of hair transplants.

The ARTAS Hair Transplant Procedure Doesn’t Cause Scars

Doctors that perform hair transplants don’t always tell their patients that they could develop scars that make it impossible for them to wear certain hairstyles. If you get a conventional hair transplant, you could get scars that are visible with popular hairstyles like crew cuts, buzz cuts, side parts, and the classic quiff.

ARTAS hair transplants use a minimally invasive procedure that doesn’t cause that terrible linear scar. After your hair starts to grow in, you can wear any style that you want. There aren’t any long scars to hold you back from looking your best.

ARTAS Hair Transplants Use Your Natural Hair

Men will try just about anything to hide their thinning hair. They’ll wear ridiculous toupees, combovers, and hair that comes from other people.

ARTAS hair transplants use your natural hair, so you don’t have to worry that you will look ridiculous in public.

When you come to BSG for a robotic hair transplant, your doctor will prepare new hair pores (called recipient site making), then the ARTAS Robot will extract the best quality grafts. After extracting the grafts, our team will evaluate each one microscopically, mix with ATP regenerative therapy, then place each hair into the newly created hair pores. During this time, PRP (platelet-rich plasma) is also conducted to improve transplant results.

Within six months, most of our patients will notice considerable results. After 12 months, full results will be appreciated. Since it’s your natural hair, it has the same color and texture as the other hairs on your head. Once you have your hair back, you can wear any style that highlights your best features.

ARTAS Hair Transplants Give You Lifetime Results

ARTAS hair transplants will last a lifetime. The results aren’t temporary, and you don’t need to come back for more treatments in the future as long as you work with our BSG team to get on a good maintenance program with PRP injections, medicines, or Low-Level Laser therapy.

Reaching lifetime results, though, means that ARTAS hair transplants can’t cut any corners. It will take some time for your hair to grow in and look thick.

About a week after your procedure, the implanted hairs will fall out. Within three months or so, new hairs will grow in their place. During this time, you can wear your hair however you want as it will just continue to thicken on its own over the course of the year.

Our BSG master barbers are on hand to assist in the aesthetic planning of your hair transplant. The day before your hair transplant, you get a BSG Signature Haircut to ensure that your hair grows out naturally as it heals.

You Can Follow New Hairstyle Trends After Your ARTAS Treatment

Having thin hair sucks for plenty of reasons. Following the latest hairstyle trends probably isn’t at the top of your list of reasons that balding sucks. Once your ARTAS treatment gives you a full head of thick hair, though, you’ll realize what you were missing.

The more hair you have, the easier it is to keep up with trends. You can literally have any look that you want. You can stick to the traditional hairstyles that men have worn for centuries, or you can start paying attention to what some of today’s most innovative stylists do for their clients.

You’ll definitely want to start following Julius Caesar on Instagram. The man takes a truly original approach to cutting and styling hair. He has a way of bringing out traits that you didn’t even know about yourself. Some of his haircuts look a little wild. Okay, they look a lot wild. But that’s only because he’s tapped into the wildness of his client.

You Can Change Your Hairstyle as Often as You Want

When you have thinning hair, you know that every hairstyle could be the last one that you wear before you accept the inevitable and shave your head. Balding puts a lot of pressure on you.

ARTAS hair transplants take the pressure away because you know that you can always change your hairstyle. If you want to try something outrageous, go ahead. You can switch to a new style next week or next month.

As long as you have hair, you have possibilities. An ARTAS hair transplant gives you more possibilities for you to play with.

An ARTAS Hair Transplant Will Give You More Confidence

Remember how you felt when you first noticed clumps of hair in the shower? The moment you realize that you’re hair is falling out, you get this sinking feeling that can attack your self-esteem.

Your self-esteem matters a lot. Obviously, you need good self-esteem for your own mental health. Confidence, however, probably affects your life more than you realize.

When an ARTAS hair transplant gives your confidence back to you, doors start to open. Suddenly, you feel attractive and confident enough to approach women. Even if you already have a partner, a boost of confidence will make your relationship more sexual.

No matter how you look at it, feeling confident means that you will have more success with women.

That boost in self-confidence can also help move your career forward.

Claire Shipman, a writer for the Atlantic, addresses this issue in her article “The Confidence Gap.” From Shipman’s perspective, men have more career opportunities because they have more confidence than most women. Confident men are often more likely to apply for positions that they aren’t qualified for. Not surprisingly, confidence also means that men get hired for jobs with requirements that they don’t meet.

Shipman is right about confidence, but she paints men with a pretty wide brush. Plenty of men have low self-esteem that prevents them from asking for raises, accepting important projects, and going after positions that seem out of reach.

Once you regain your self-confidence with help from an ARTAS hair transplant, you will see your life change. You don’t know it right now, but you have a lot of opportunities ahead of you. You just need the self-esteem to recognize the opportunities and take advantage of them. Getting a full head of hair will put you on that path.

You Don’t Need to Worry About Sunburned Scalps

A person with thick hair has natural protection from the sun. Thinning hair doesn’t offer as much protection. That matters a lot for men living in Southern California, where the sun always shines.

A few months after your ARTAS hair transplant, you won’t have to rub sunscreen on your head before going outside. You will have enough hair to prevent sunburns on your scalp.

The One Disadvantage of Getting a Hair Transplant

Hey, nothing’s perfect! After your ARTAS hair transplant gives you a full head of flowing locks, you’re going to spend more time and money taking care of your hair. Damn the luck!

Seriously, though, once you have more hair, you will need to start buying products that keep your hair and scalp healthy.

A lot of companies put unhealthy ingredients in their hair products. When you start buying more shampoo, conditioner, and other products, make sure they do not contain:

  • Parabens, which can increase your risk of cancer.
  • Sodium Chloride, which causes some people to lose their hair!
  • Sulfates that can strip your hair of healthy oils.
  • Synthetic colors and fragrances, which can cause allergic reactions.
  • Triclosan, which can disrupt hormone production and increase cancer risks.

Instead of spending time reading ingredient lists, you can choose products designed to improve your hair’s health. BSG has a whole line of grooming products that will keep your hair healthy and help you style your hair.

Some of the most important products that you should have in your bathroom include HCO1 Shampoo, HCO1 Conditioner, HCO1 Hair Serum, HCO1 Texture Liniment, and HCO1 Pomade.

You can buy one product at a time, or subscribe to have products shipped to you on a schedule. Signing up for a membership even gives you access to lower prices.

What are you waiting for? Now that you know the benefits of ARTAS hair transplants, it’s time to schedule an appointment at BSG.