Elon Musk’s Amazing Mane: Did a Hair Transplant Save Him?
Elon Musk is undeniably cool. In 2018, the guy literally shot more rockets into space than 99.99% of countries on the earth. What you may not have noticed about him, though, is that’s he’s undergone an incredible hair transformation over the years.
To be completely honest, it makes sense. If you’re going to shoot a Tesla Roadster to the stars, you can probably afford to do something about a balding scalp. Was it a hair transplant that Elon Musk invested in for his miraculous transformation, though? Let’s take a look at the facts.
There’s a good chance that you already know what Elon Musk looks like. If you didn’t see him in the early ’90s, though, you should take a look at his early PayPal publicity photo. Stevie Wonder could look at that image and see the dramatic change. During this time in his life, he was experiencing advanced hair loss in the front third of his scalp.
If you take a closer look, though, it seems that his hair loss was much more problematic. His locks were thinning out all over his head – especially near his ears. At the time, Musk was only in his late 20s. Two-thirds of men experience some hair loss by the time they hit 35, but what we see in these photos is significant.
He now has a full head of hair that he wears in a few different styles and even at varying lengths throughout the year. He went from a class three or four hair loss pattern – out of seven – to no visual thinning at all. This provides the fact that all further information is based on: Elon Musk did something about his hair loss.
If you’re leaning towards doing the same, make sure you check out our How To as well. Because looking healthy is only part of the battle.
Possible Hair Restoration for Elon Musk
It’s unlikely that Elon Musk could’ve pulled off the awesome look accomplished by famed model Justin Hopwood when he lost his hair. Musk just doesn’t have bone structure for it. This means he likely made the right choice, but which choice was it?
Most haircare professionals agree that it was a hair transplant for Elon Musk that changed everything. In a world of “fake news” and antivaxx parents, though, are we really going to immediately trust the experts? Well… we should… but just for kicks, let’s look at a few of his hair restoration options.
Hair Loss Medications
There are actually several hair loss medications that you could take when fighting the prick-ish nature of time and genetics. Propecia, aka Finasteride, and dutasteride are oral medications that could slow or even partially reverse hair loss. Minoxidil, on the other hand, is a topical product that aims to do the same.
Platelet-Rich Plasma
Doctors are increasingly using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections to heal the body and increase hair growth. This is a non-surgical procedure that won’t keep you out of work and only takes about 20 minutes. It works as a fertilizer to help naturally slow down receding hair lines, thicken your current hair and even encourage your hair to grow.
Hair Transplant
There are two main types of hair transplant therapy that have been utilized over the past few years. Strip harvesting, aka FUT or Follicular Unit Transplantation, has a long-running history in hair restoration, but follicular unit extraction (FUE) has become even more popular thanks to far fewer potential side effects, namely the quick recovery and lack of a large linear scar on the back of the head.
During this procedure, a doctor will remove hair from one part of your body and place it on your head. Follicular units are typically taken from areas on your head that aren’t experiencing thinning. With FUE, you can expect new and continued hair growth within a few months.
Low-Level Laser Therapy
It’s always advisable to see if the FDA has approved your hair restoration method, and low-level laser therapy is one of those options that are safe for both men and women. This form of light therapy can help reduce the hormone that causes hair loss, and it’s been shown to be as effective as finasteride and minoxidil. On top of that, you can also buy these hair lasers relatively inexpensively and take them home.
So, What Did Elon Musk Use?
In this situation, the haircare experts are probably right. While hair loss medications can certainly produce impressive results, they occasionally only accomplish the ceasing of continued thinning. This means they might stop hair loss in its tracks but produce no new growth. If you take one look at Musk, you understand this isn’t likely. The low-level laser therapy is also a potentiality, but the science says it’s only as effective as the available medications on the market. Platelet-rich plasma is impressive as well, but it’s hard to imagine Elon Musk coming in for successive treatments when he could nip it in the bud and let the hair transplant get things done immediately.
When looking at Musk’s results, it’s understandable that many men would get excited. Just like countless people learn when preparing for a marathon, though, hair transplants aren’t for everyone. It’s usually best for those who have healthy hairs on the sides or back of their heads. This is what made Elon Musk a perfect candidate for ARTAS or other hair transplant procedures.
Nothing is guaranteed in this world, but if you want a real shot at sure money, go ahead and bet that Musk had a hair transplant procedure.
Benefits of Hair Transplant Procedures
So far, we’ve explained why hair transplants offer the best likelihood for restoring a full head of hair. Of course, the question of why Musk wouldn’t opt for a less-costly but still potentially effective therapy arises.
Okay, that’s silly. Elon Musk obviously has enough money to start out with the best possible option. Pretending for just a moment that price was part of the equation, though, it’s likely he still would’ve gone with a hair transplant. In fact, it’s the first choice for many men due to the following benefits:
- Fewer graft transections: The ARTAS robotic hair transplant system works with unmatched precision compared to manually performed procedures. This yields better quality and healthier grafts along with considerably less transections (poorly harvested grafts that are unlikely to grow). This means more predictable results and a quick recovery.
- No linear scarring: Unlike strip harvesting, aka FUT, the FUE process produces no visible linear scarring that requires hiding later.
- Permanent solution: Many hair loss treatments will cease to be effective if you stop using them. As long as you follow an appropriate maintenance routine, though, FUE provides a permanent solution.
- Keep up with trends: Since it’s your own hair and continues to grow, you can keep up with current trends by getting haircuts and styling your new mane as you please. While you can use blow dryers or straighteners in your “do,” you’ll want consult your doctor on when your hair can handle this. And even after you get the go-ahead, celeb hairstylist Ted Gibson points out that using a flat iron while your hair is wet “is a BIG NO NO.” His words, not mine.
There are innumerable benefits of hair transplant procedures, but it’s important that you find the hair loss therapy that’s best for you. Depending on your specific situation, another process may show more promise. Just make sure to do your research and speak to the professionals about your options.
Hair Restoration: Not Just for Elon Musk
There’s really no doubt that Elon Musk undertook measures to reverse his hair loss. If I were a betting man, I’d say he went the popular route of follicular unit extraction, likely robotically with ARTAS since he does have an affinity for high-tech solutions. While this technique is initially more expensive than others, there’s no comparison when it comes to results. Go ahead and take a moment from your busy day to learn a little more about FUE and the other services provided at Barber Surgeons Guild.