How to get rid of unwanted hair
Hair removal used to be something strictly reserved for females. With the small exception of being a professional swimmer, or bodybuilder most men left their hair below the neck untouched. Fortunately for us we no longer live in the stone ages and the days of gnarly untamed back hair are long gone. Most experts now agree that more and more men are opting for the same grooming rights as women – including smooth body skin.
BSG Founder and certified plastic surgeon Dr. Justin Roman recently weighed in with the top 5 things you need to know about getting rid of unwanted hair with Laser Hair Removal.
Laser Hair Removal
The most popular type of male hair removal is Laser Hair Removal (LHR). Today’s treatments among men mostly commonly focus on areas including back of the neck, front of neck below beard line, ears, between eyebrows, back, and chest.
The Risks
Finding the right trained profession is key. Using improper settings can cause poor results, burns, or changes in the pigment of your skin. “BSG uses the most high-tech LHR systems utilizing a skin melanin reader to properly titrate settings to the devices for optimal treatment protocols for any skin type.” Say Dr. Rome.
It Takes Time
Like most thing in life that are worthwhile getting the perfect result of permanent hair removal take more than one session. Dr. Rome notes that the number of treatments does vary depending of the device used with some methods requiring much as 30 treatments. “With ours results can be seen with even just one treatment and full results with 8-10. Treatments are spaced at least 4 weeks apart to catch hairs in different growth phases.” BSG’s LHR treatments are fast also because they utilize the largest spot size on the market. This means that BGS can treat an entire back in 20min whereas most devices it will take upwards of 1 hr.
There May Be Pain
Depending on the method and technology used the process of LHR does involve some pain. “Most treatments are quite painful, whereas ours (BSG) uses a cooling plate making the treatments virtually pain free.” says Dr. Rome.
Other Options
If LHR doesn’t seem like a fit for you, Dr. Rome also recommends men exploring the options of Epilation or Electrolysis.