Hairline Restoration: Everything You Need to Know!
Getting older has its benefits. Cheaper car insurance, buying beer without an ID and appealing to both younger and older ladies are just a few of the perks. By the time we reach 35, however, two-thirds of men will experience hair loss. Fortunately, science has helped us overcome this once unavoidable aspect of aging. Hairline restoration is a constantly evolving field, and we’ve already reached the point where balding is no longer a requirement.
A Brief History of Hairline Restoration
Before we can understand how advanced hairline restoration has become, we have to know how it got to this point. After all, wouldn’t it be nice to know why so many men just dealt with being bald in the past?
We get it. You didn’t come here to feel like you’re in school. The history of hair restoration is a cool one, though, so just bear with us a moment.
Ancient Egypt
There was probably once a balding caveman who skinned a woolly mammoth and slapped its hide on his scalp. Some of our earliest records of hair loss remedies, however, date back to Ancient Egypt. In fact, a medical text from nearly 3,600 years ago recommends using porcupine hair, sautéed greyhounds and the fat from crocodiles, snakes and hippopotamuses.
The hair off a woolly mammoth’s back doesn’t sound quite as weird now, right?
Julius Caesar
All the photos of Julius Caesar with a wreath on his head look pretty cool. There’s no denying that. Sadly, this was just a way to cover up his balding scalp. Once he started getting a little thin up top, he made the valiant effort to sport a combover. With no AquaNet to hold it in place, though, he eventually settled with just covering up his head. It’s like wearing a baseball cap – except with less team spirit.
The Fancy Englishman
Wigs have been in use since ancient times. It just goes to show us that men have never been okay with losing their hair. After all, we can’t all look as dashing as model Justin Hopwood after his hair started falling out due to alopecia.
Intermission. Seriously, look at that guy. Even without hair, he’s no doubt more appealing to the ladies than most of us. Intermission over.
Although wigs have been around for a while, their popularity revived among royals in the 17th century. Early Americans even began donning those fancy English royalty wigs. You know, the long curly ones that were always white? Those. Once we kicked the kingdom’s butt in the Revolution, though, the patriots soured on the style.
Snake Oil Salesmen
In the 1800s, regulation was nearly nonexistent. This led many dishonest peddlers to promise the “cure for hair loss.” At best these concoctions were ineffective mixtures. At worst, the ingredients could have serious and deadly side effects. Aren’t you glad you weren’t around to try that nonsense?
Hair Transplants
There is plenty more to go over in the history of hair restoration, but we sense you’re getting tired of reading about it. Slacker. Let’s fast-forward to 1939. A Japanese doctor began grafting hair from healthier parts of the body onto balding areas.
The results made patients’ heads look like the far side of the moon, but it did give them hair. Luckily for everyone, hairline restoration has evolved in leaps and bounds since these terrifying times.
Am I Going Bald?
There’s typically a point where men look in the mirror and ask, “Am I going bald?” It’s a common concern since we all lose a little thickness over time. Fortunately, you don’t have to wonder. There are several signs you can look for that indicate you might be going bald.
I’m sure Julius Caesar would’ve noticed these. See? If you skipped over the history section, you have no clue what I’m talking about. I think I’ve made my point!
- Receding hairline: Is there a noticeable change in your hairline? Do pictures from two years ago make this even more apparent? A receding hairline is one of the first indicators you’ll see in relation to losing your hair.
- Too much hair everywhere: We’re supposed to lose a few strands of hair per day. By “a few,” I mean 50-100. That sounds like a lot, but it’s pretty common. If you’re starting to worry about the amount of hair on your towel or comb, hairline restoration may be in your future.
- Thinning hair up top: Unfortunately, many of us miss the fact that we’re going bald because it begins on our crown. Unless you’re watching yourself from above, there’s really no way to see this. The first time you get sunburned up top, though, you’ll know.
These are just a few symptoms of losing your hair. It’s still important to not freak out just yet. There’s a chance that the hair loss could be temporary. Have you intensified your workout to shred fat? It could be physical or mental stress making you lose your locks. Taking a new medication? Thinning hair might be a side effect.
The important thing to remember is that not all instances of hair loss are permanent.
Examples of Hair Restoration
True hair restoration was once reserved for the rich and famous. Fortunately, evolving technology and increased availability have changed this. To get an idea of just how far we’ve come, though, it’s fun to look at celebrities who have most likely taken the plunge. We can only assume these guys said “screw nature,” and they are testaments to the results you can see.
- Matthew McConaughey: Matt decided he wouldn’t just say “all right, all right, all right” when it came to losing his hair. Take a look at the widow’s peak he was sporting in 1999. By the time True Detective came around, you couldn’t even notice.
- Elon Musk: If the guy can shoot a car into outer space, you better bet he won’t deal with losing his locks. One of the first promo photos for PayPal showed a guy who would be bald within a few years. And no – it wasn’t advanced space technology that saved him.
- John Travolta: Maybe it was the secrets of Scientology that changed Travolta’s massive receding hairline in 2011 to the full head of hair he sports today. If we were betting on it, though, we’d guess it was traditional hair restoration techniques.
Celebrities are not immune from the passage of time. You’ll see just as many actors losing their hair as you would normal people. The only difference is they nip the problem in the bud the moment it becomes apparent. Fortunately, every guy now has the same option.
Hairline Restoration Products
A hair transplant isn’t right for everyone. If you’re only experiencing mild hair loss, there are at-home options at your disposal. This means you can sit back for that marathon of Pawn Stars while brewing your own beer and still avoid thinning out up top. Here are a few of the best methods:
- Medicated products: Minoxidil and finasteride are both medicated products that have shown promise over the years. They work in different ways, but both are capable of stopping hair loss in its tracks.
- Targeted solutions: There are also hair products that don’t contain common hair loss medications. They still can make your hair visibly fuller. These include BSG’s HCO1 Shampoo, Pomade and Texture Liniment.
- Laser caps: You can also take home caps and helmets that use laser therapy to stimulate hair growth. Research has shown these to be just as effective as medicated treatments.
These hair loss solutions are typically geared towards making your remaining hair stronger. This is why they’re perfect for early or minor balding. Once a hair follicle is dead, however, there are other treatments that may be necessary.
Hairline Restoration Services
Getting back hair that’s already gone is a more complex process. And while relationship experts like Hannah Witton can provide tips on pleasing the ladies, few things impress them as much as a full head of hair. That’s why you should consider the following treatments.
- Scalp camouflage: Scalp camo doesn’t actually restore the hair you’ve already lost. It does, however, give that appearance. Microneedles place pigments into the scalp that resemble stubble growth. This is a perfect solution for guys with thinning hair that hasn’t proven aggressive, and it will give the results of hair fibers without the daily mess and hassle.
- PRP: Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections get placed into the scalp to improve your hair’s health. By doing this, you can see fuller hair that covers up recent loss. While this won’t bring dead follicles back to life, the process does improve the outcome of robotic hair restoration and can be used independently to help stop additional hair loss.
- ARTAS hair transplant: Robotic hair restoration utilizes follicular unit extraction (FUE) technology to provde you with natural and permanent results. By transplanting healthy hairs into pores where growing has ceased, you will see new hair growth. This is an advanced technology that improves upon traditional strip harvesting in recovery time, visible scarring and a host of other important factors.
Each of these treatments is available at Barber Surgeons Guild. They have an industry success rate that’s rarely matched, so even if you need to drive a few hours, it’s well worth it. Just put on your favorite killer road trip songs and enjoy the ride.
ARTAS Hair Transplant Before and After
There’s only so much a blog can tell you about hair restoration. The pictures are where it’s at! Here are a few before-and-after shots of BSG patients who have undergone ARTAS hair transplants.
Hairline Restoration is Reality
If you’re starting to see one-too-many hairs in your comb or on the towel, you should seriously consider hair restoration. The ladies love a nice full mane, and an increase in self confidence can do wonders in every aspect of your life. If you’re ready to slap Mother Nature in the face and start fighting back, check out everything we have to offer at Barber Surgeons Guild. Your scalp will appreciate the gesture.