Leading Hair Restoration for Men
Around two-thirds of men have some form of hair loss by the age of 35. Yes, that means you’ll likely have to deal with it at some point. Fortunately, the leading hair restoration options for men have improved over the years. In fact, for the first time in history, there’s no need for you to go bald or wear a wig. Here are some of the most effective hair restoration possibilities at your disposal.
Platelet-Rich Plasma
What if the answer to your hair loss was in your own body all along? As it turns out, it pretty much is. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has seen increased use for medical purposes and athlete recuperation. This is because it supercharges the body’s ability to heal. If you’re wondering if this includes thinning hair, stop being ridiculous. We wouldn’t have mentioned it otherwise!
PRP is a series of growth factors spun out of your own blood. Afterwards, these get injected into your scalp. Doing so improves follicle health and strengthen weakening hairs. Some medical professionals, like those at BSG, go as far as adding ATP – essentially chemical energy – in order to speed up the process. On top of these benefits, it can also be used with other hair restoration techniques.
Take a moment to review the leading hair restoration options at Barber Surgeons Guild to see if PRP can be used to excel your hair regrowth.
Hair Growth Products
There are guys out there who lead exciting lives. Many look their best without worrying about hair growth products. Just take one look at the adventures of Paul Steele – aka The Bald Hiker. For the fellas who don’t look this manly without a full mane, though, there are several hair growth products available that can be used right at home.
Undergoing a hair restoration procedure is the only viable option for some. Scalp treatments like minoxidil and finasteride, though, have shown promise over the years. Minoxidil promotes active growth while finasteride prevents damage to follicles.
You’ll also find that products containing the Trichoanagenic Factor canpromote the ideal scalp environment and make your mane look thicker. This includes BSG’s HCO1 Shampoo and Pomade. These products will strengthen your hair from root to tip. They also don’t contain annoying unhealthy ingredients like parabens and sulfates.
Laser Products
Depending on the look you’re going for, you may have considered changing your life with a laser facial. And while you might not be aware of the fact, lasers can do wonders for stopping hair thinning as well. In the 1960s, a scientist wanted to test if lasers had a carcinogenic effect on mice. This negative effect did not exist. The research showed, however, that hair growth was stimulated.
If you’re considering the laser route, reputable hair restoration professionals are essential. Now that I’m thinking about it, this is a good rule of thumb regardless of the hair restoration method you settle on. These devices most often come in the form of laser helmets or caps. While you might find cheap knockoffs on eBay, they’re unlikely to be the real deal.
Robotic Hair Restoration
Yes, we understand that robotic hair restoration sounds like an awesome procedure. And while it definitely is, rest assured that characters from I, Robot and Terminator will have no involvement in the process. Instead, doctors use the improved follicular unit extraction (FUE) technique alongside artificial intelligence.
This ensures that the best grafts get taken and the process completes in a way that keeps them healthy. This process is an improvement over old-school strip harvesting (FUT). Especially since FUT leaves a very unappealing scar and can lead to significant pain and downtime. FUE results in renewed hair growth. After your procedure, you can expect significant new and natural hair growth.
Robotic hair restoration is also one of the procedures that PRP injections improve, and for this reason, at BSG, PRP is added to every robotic treatment. . Even better, you can pull off about any hairstyle after the transplant. This is the most high-tech and promising hair restoration procedure out there. With that in mind, check out our BSG Dispatch for tips on how to be even more awesome once you’ve got a full mane going again!
Scalp Camouflage
When you take a look at a guy like Lane Toran, you see a fella that knows how to make long hair work with a beard. Then again, there are dudes out there who prefer a shaved head to complement their facial hair. We also can’t forget the guys with awesome manes that go with anything but have scalps starting to show through.
In any of these situations, scalp camouflage might be the answer. This is a process – known as scalp micropigmentation (SMP) – that resembles tattooing on the surface. Your hair restoration professional uses a microneedle for injections.
Microneedles put pigment into your scalp that resembles your natural follicular color. This means nothing looks unnatural. Even close inspection won’t give the secret away.
This is a great option for guys who shave their heads but don’t like uneven growth afterwards. It’s also ideal for anyone in the early stages of hair loss to get the density effect of hair fibers without the daily mess or concern that the fibers will fall out. . Especially if they want to fill gaps while waiting to see if further thinning occurs. The procedure also provides immediate results that last for years and is completely non-surgical. Not very many hair restoration techniques can make this claim.
Leading Hair Restoration in One Place!
Thanks to modern technology, there’s no shortage of options available to stop thinning hair. The most important part is simply finding the product or procedure that’s right for you. At Barber Surgeons Guild, we offer all the leading hair restoration options for men in one place.