Stick To It
The New Year can determine whether you make it or break it. Literally. Especially when it comes to those New Year’s Resolutions. And whether yours is related to body, mind or money, chances are, you won’t succeed unless you go the extra mile. According to U.S. News, 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. Want to avoid becoming part of that statistic? We spoke to Andrew Kaplan, founder of SuccessDice.com, for some surefire ways to stick to those promises you make to yourself.
Resolution: Lose Weight/Get in shape.
This one is a popular one, but a tough one for many people to stick to. Gyms get flooded with enthusiastic newbies come January but by February, are nearly empty. The secret to this one, said Kaplan, is to plan ahead. Before you work out, “have your gym bag by the door with all the essentials packed and clothes laid out and easily accessible,” suggested Kaplan. Make it part of your nightly routine. “Do this the night before so that everything is waiting for you the following day. This will remove the stress of having to prepare everything for yourself first and then get out the door.”
Resolution: Improve your finances.
The key to this one is pinpointing your goals. “First decide exactly what you want to do to improve finances,” said Kaplan. “Do you want to open a savings account? Invest in the stock market? Brush up on skills for your career or finance in general?” asked Kaplan. Once you’ve figured that out, then SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT within the following week to sit down and actually do what you need to,” advised Kaplan. “Really carve this time out for yourself, block it off, and follow through the way you would for plans with a friend, a co-worker, a client, or anyone else.”
Resolution: Better time management.
When it comes to managing your time more efficiently, and perhaps finding some time for things you’d like to do, but haven’t been able to, the key here, said Kaplan, is working with what you’ve got. “Build a specific routine that relates directly to your life. Whatever that routine might be, think about whether it’s something you’re most likely to do first thing in the morning, in the middle of the day, or last thing in the evening, and set up whatever you need to up front to make diving into that routine simple, easy, and without any resistance,” advised Kaplan. “Whether it’s eating healthier by simply preparing the food at whatever time of day gives you the most flexibility, meditating during a time where nobody has access to you for a few minutes, or anything else, it’s the pre-planning and set-up so that you can dive straight into action that makes all the difference.”
And while we know it sounds cliché, don’t give up! There’s a reason why you’ve set these goals for yourself. Think about how you’ll feel when you’ve accomplished them! And don’t wait until January, give yourself a head start. Start working on those goals now. You’ll be glad you did!