Grooming & Styling Tips for Men with Thick Hair
Whether worn long or short, hair can be kinky, curly, wavy or so straight nothing will help give it body, the possibilities on how someone can wear their hair is nearly endless. When it comes to thick hair, not every comb can handle what it was made for and not every hair product is meant for thick hair. Grooming and styling tips for men with thick hair can be found below.
Best Hairstyles For Men With Thick Hair
1. Faux Hawk Fade
A fantastic hairstyle to stand out from the crowd. The full head of hair is a stark contrast with the short sides. With the faux hawk, there are more styling options than with a true Mohawk.
2. Textured Quiff
The quiff is rightfully making a comeback. This retro look just screams confidence, which is part of its iconic appeal. One famous person who wore the quiff was Elvis.
3. Side Part Pompadour
This hairstyle combines a side part and the fade with the height of a pompadour. If you get bored with this style, it is easy to transform it into something else.
4. Sweep back
This one is easy to accomplish and even easier to take care of. All the person has to do is come everything back away from the face.
5. Spiky
If your hair has a mind of its own and likes to stick straight up, why not give in and let it? With the proper gel or pomade, this style looks great.
6. Curly Top With Short Sides
While thick hair can be a task to take care of, thick curly hair can be impossible. This style makes easier with longer hair on top and keeping the sides short.
7. Textured French Crop
If your hair is so straight that a session with a hair curler does nothing, this is the style for you. Be sure to get a stylist who can add texture to a head of hair that won’t do it itself.
8. Faux Hawk Mullet
Yeah, mullets get a bad rap, but it’s the people, not the hair, that gives it the reputation. This style is for the bold and daring. Not everyone can pull off a mullet-faux hawk combo.
9. Brushed Under Cut
With this hairstyle, there are no limitations to the lengths and textures you can experiment with. There is something old-fashioned, yet modern, about this look.
10. Thick Dreadlocks With Side Designs
If you are looking for something different, this is the style for you. Why not add some geometric shapes or something fun to the side design?
11. Side Parted Undercut
This is intended to be a longer style with the longer layers swept to the side and it doesn’t matter which side. Looks even better with a beard, but it doesn’t require one.
12. Curls and a Temple Fade
Everybody loves a good ‘fro, but it needs an update every once in a while. This one still has the recognizable Afro profile, but the temples are cut shorter. A perfect look for any season.
Washing Thick Hair
Thick hair should not be washed every day. It doesn’t need to be washed every other day either. A weekly hair washing might be a perfect balance. People with dryer hair don’t need to wash their hair every day and washing hair daily can dry out hair. Hair is more likely to be dry when it is treated with chemicals, thick, curly, or aging.
Thick and curly hair? That’s on the edge of the dry zone. Thick, curly, and treated with chemicals, either hair dye or otherwise? Definitely the middle of the Sahara up there now. If your hair is already dry, be sure to use conditioner regularly and seal in moisture with avocado oil, castor oil, or Shea butter. Be sure to limit your sun exposure and contact with chlorinated water. If your nutrient levels are fine and you take good care of your hair and it is still dry, you might want to check your hormone levels and thyroid.
Find Products That Work For Your Hair: Combs and Brushes
The perfect comb or brush is a must in your arsenal of tools to defeat bad hair days and to keep your hair looking its best.
1. Tangle Teezer
This detangling hairbrush is a must for those with thick hair, curly hair, and thick and curly hair. Designed not to cause damage to hair. Lets curls keep their shape without becoming distorted after brushing and reduces cuticle damage, which leads to hair loss.
2. Diane Double-Sided Men’s Club Brush
This gorgeous looking brush has two sides, one side with stiffer bristles than the other one. If you have a beard, you can designate one side for your beard and the other side for your hair. One side has boar bristles, which has a number of benefits for your hair.
3. Kent Gentleman’s Hairbrush Model MG3
This brush is designed to keep the hair and scalp healthy and happy. The brush is made from beech wood and while it is pricey, it is worthy as it is of top quality and will last nearly forever. Not typically a styling brush, but it is great for thick hair.
Pomade And Wax
1. O’Douds Multi-purpose Pomade
This water-resistant pomade is great for those who are new to using hair products. Nourishes and softens hair, this naturally made pomade is great for when you want a firm hold.
2. Layrite Deluxe Original Pomade
With a light vanilla smell, this water-based pomade has a medium hold and never feels stiff and produces a moderate shine. As it is said in the name, this pomade will make your hair lay right.
3. Gatsby Moving Rubber Hair Wax
This hair wax is one of the best out there for those with thick or coarse hair. If you are trying a spiky look for the first time, or have made a spiky hairstyle your main hairstyle, this is the wax for you.
4. Baxter Of California
This pomade offers flexible control and natural shine to those who are seeking a light to medium hold for their hair. The wheat proteins nourish your hair to keep it healthy as you go about your day-to-day life.
Styling Tools
1. Revlon 1875W
This sleek and stylish hairdryer comes with three heat settings, two speed settings and has a diffuser which softens the airflow to help define curls. If you are looking for volume, this is a great tool to boost hair volume.
2. InfinitPro by Conair
We all have problems with static and frizz from time to time, especially when it comes to curling our hair. Luckily, this curler is made with tourmaline ceramic. How does that help? Tourmaline ceramic naturally emits negative ions to reduce static and frizz! No more shocking yourself on the fridge anymore!
3. RioRand Sponge
Do you ever need help adding texture to your Afro or creating soft twists? This is the tool for you! It is also great for when you want to coil dreads and helps you get the exact look you want.
Supplements To Help With Hair Health
1. Vitamin D
Low levels of Vitamin D have been linked to hair loss. While found in fortified foods, such as milk, it is easily found in fatty fish, mushrooms, and cod liver oil. An easy way for your body to produce Vitamin D is to go out and get some sun, which can be done if the sun is at a 50-degree angle, or more, from the horizon.
2. Vitamin A
Not just good for your eyes, Vitamin A is also needed for keeping your hair healthy.
3. Biotin
Biotin not only helps with your skin and nails but plays a role in hair health as well. Biotin in the diet is easy to accomplish, it is found in egg yolks, bananas, mushrooms, and nuts.
4. Zinc
Zinc is not stored in the body and it is an essential mineral and deficiency can cause hair loss. Foods rich in zinc are milk, beef liver, lamb, and more. Not much zinc is needed each day, but it makes sense to track your zinc intake.
5. Aloe Vera juice
While Aloe Vera is usually found in lotion, not a lot of people think of drinking juice made from Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera juice has a ton of vitamins and is great for hair as well.
6. Fish Oil
Not just for your brain and heart anymore. A study published in 2013 discovered hat those with a deficiency in fatty acids had hair loss and changes of hair color. The sources for fatty acids are salmon, flaxseed oil, olive oil, as well as others.
7. Aviva Hair Revitalizer
If you want to make sure your hair has the nutrients, oils, and vitamins needed to stay healthy and thick, this is one supplement you would want. Aviva Hair Revitalizer contains Vitamin B-5 and iron. Pumpkin seed oil helps keep the scalp healthy and it also contains iodine. Iodine is to boost the thyroid as one of the signs of a deficient thyroid is early hair loss.
How To Keep Your Hair Thick As You Age
1. Stop Smoking
It has been known for quite a while the effect smoking has on the health of the smoker and the health of others through secondhand smoke. Smoking causes damage to the DNA of the hair follicle, which can lead to thinning hair and baldness.
2. Stay Hydrated
Dehydration halts hair growth and almost 25% of the weight of a single strand of hair is made up of water. Wow! To keep your hair and scalp happy and healthy, drink your water. If you find it hard to do so, there are apps out there to remind you.
3. Alcohol Doesn’t Count
Alcohol actually dehydrates your body and excessive alcohol consumption can leave hair dry and brittle. Even more reason to drink more water and to watch your alcohol intake.
4. Get Rid Of That Dandruff
Dandruff causes a flaky scalp, which leaves white flakes on your clothing for all to see. The act of scratching can injure hair follicles and lead to hair loss. If you do have dandruff, be sure to see a healthcare professional to discover the underlying cause.
5. Wear A Hat
Not all the time, don’t want to hide that gorgeous hair constantly. If you are going to be outside for a length of time, past the time it takes for your body to produce Vitamin D, then you should put on a hat. Too much sun can age the scalp, which in turn causes the scalp to produce superoxide, which causes the hair follicles to shed instead of continuing to grow.
6. Speaking Of Heat
Watch out for the heat settings on your hairdryer. It can heat up the scalp, which can cause dandruff, or simulate the conditions of getting too much sun, and dry out your hair.
7. Scalp Health
Your scalp impacts the health of your hair. If you don’t maintain a healthy scalp, then your hair will suffer as a result. Methods to keep your scalp healthy would include preserving the moisture, scalp massages, and protecting the scalp from the sun.
8. Finasteride
Also known as Propecia. It is a medication used to treat hair loss in men or an enlarged prostate. It blocks the formation of DHT, which is a male androgen hormone that makes hair follicles thin and disrupts the hair growth cycle. This should only be taken if it has been prescribed by a doctor.
9. Check Your Diet
A diet rich in oils, protein, and nutrients will help both your body and your scalp, which helps your hair. Check your vitamin, iron, and Omega-3 levels and add more foods containing these into your diet. If needed, be sure to add vitamin supplements into your diet to help. Since your hair contains protein, make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet.
When it comes to taking care of your hair and making sure it stays around, the best course of action is to take control of what you eat, drink plenty of liquids, take your vitamins, and make sure your scalp and hair don’t become too heated or stressed. You have the power in your choices to make sure your hair stays there and is healthy for a long time to come.