Cleanup on aisle me!
Whether you think of yourself as a “primper” or a “prepper,” no matter how busy you are, everyone wants to look sharp and feel their best as they tackle their day. Consider preparing for midday grooming needs and channel any anxiety-inducing concerns into a discreet James-Bond-style “Go Bag” in your desk or glove box in case of grooming emergencies while on duty as you, the protagonist, in your day-to-day life.
Helpful additions to your “Grooming Go- Bag” may include:
-travel toothbrush, toothpaste, and a few floss picks
-baby wipes
-stain removal pen
-spare cufflinks
-lip moisturizer
-lip protector such as Carmex for colder or more extreme climates
-a comb
-nail clipper
-a lint brush (especially if you have furry friends)
-single serving packets of over the counter medications for inflammation, heartburn, or allergies
-safety pins
-clean socks
Hopefully you never find yourself in a pinch, but being able to offer help to another when they are in need sets you apart as prepared, observant, and compassionate.
If you find yourself looking looking forward to an upcoming event and need to present yourself as fresh as possible, and want to bring in the “big-guns” but avoid the “just-cut-for-school-photo-day
During BSG’s Clean Up Service, the same impeccable care we put into all of our services, products, and advanced medical grooming treatments is evident. Each haircut includes the same hot towel experience with soothing aromatherapeutic oils and is completed with a straight razor shave to tidy up the back of the neck. The key to working with a straight razor on such sensitive areas? We turn to Brandon Barney, BSG’s resident Master Barber.
“I prefer long strokes with my razor rather than short little jabs. This is of course after a thorough examination of the person’s skin. The examination will make sure to note their moles, skin tags, pimples or anything that should never be removed by a razor in a barber chair. Once I know the texture, grooves, etc of the skin, I can start my shaving process.” – Brandon Barney
If you are ready to tidy up and take your grooming to the next level, be sure to drop by. BSG is proud to be your go-to for last minute grooming missions as well as our MI6 worthy levels of discretion for your advanced medical grooming procedures.
“I just want to take care of my clients the best I can and so they feel confident impacting their own lives as best they can. In my everyday life, I want to serve my community and enrich it one haircut, beard trim, or shave at a time. That is my main goal as a barber and I know that is the overall ethos of the BSG. My duty is to make people feel good and look good so in turn, they can do good and be good as a result.” -Brandon Barney