A Brief History of Cosmetic Fillers
Wishing that creasing your brow was not increasing with time is not a new desire. Thankfully, there are about 200 years of surgical and societal history that has led cosmetic medicine to new heights both effectually and aesthetically.
In the 1800’s, shortly after the invention of the syringe, paraffin wax was the cosmetic filler of choice for wrinkles as well as rudimentary breast augmentation. This method left much to be desired as within a few years of the injection, it would harden and leave painful lumps under the skin, referred to as “parrafinomas.”
In 1889, Dr. Charles- Éduard Brown-Séquard, a professor of experimental medicine in the Collège de France, reported he used fluid prepared from freshly severed dog and guinea pig testicles for subcutaneous injections to maintain his youthful appearance. While this method of facial rejuvenation has not stood the test of time, it did create some scientific interest in researching sex hormones in an otherwise very repressed Victorian Era.
Today, thanks to years of research, development, clinical testing, and knowledge, Barber Surgeon’s Guild is able to use the most advanced hyaluronic acid fillers on the market. Hyaluronic acids, first isolated in 1934, allow cells to maintain internal moisture levels and is a naturally occurring in the body. Originally used to help treat joint and connective tissue injuries by aiding in the cushioning and lubrication of the joints, it is still taken orally by osteoarthritis patients for this benefit. Dr. Justin Rome, BSG’s founder and fellowship trained oculofacial plastic surgeon whom has performed thousands of aesthetic filler injections notes, “They have come a long way and now have the ability for multiplanar injections, meaning I can inject deep for larger folds or more superficial for fine lines. We used to not be able to inject superficially because the product would look lumpy or blue tinted (called the Tyndall effect). That’s no longer an issue with the new fillers.”
At BSG, all of our clinical practitioners have been trained directly by Dr. Rome with his techniques in addition to all of their previous degrees and trainings. “The new advanced formulas last between 6-8months depending on the product and area of injection. These products may also be dissolved prematurely by injection if desired unlike some of the older products which would require surgical removal. This is rarely done since the satisfaction rate with these injections is very high, but provides patients comfort knowing that if they don’t like the effect they can erase it.”
Getting care from a trusted and experienced doctor is crucial, as ideal injection depths, amounts and types vary greatly and poor injection techniques can lead to vascular complications. Be sure to check out @bsgdispatch on Instagram or schedule a consultation with Dr. Rome here.