Calling All Men: Best Shampoo for Hair Loss
Thinning hair is something that most men and women will experience at some point in their lives. This invariably leaves them asking what’s the best shampoo for hair loss, and as it turns out, the answer can vary based on your particular situation. In fact, there are times when even the loss of some hair wouldn’t require the use of shampoos.
Of course, it’s often difficult to gauge whether you need hair loss shampoo or not. After all, most people aren’t trained scientists in this field. And if you do need products to help with this issue, which are the best for your situation? Luckily for you, we’ve gathered all that information in this easy-to-understand guide. You can thank us later.
Do I Even Need the Best Shampoo for Hair Loss?
Before going any further, let’s go ahead and acknowledge that you should always choose the best shampoo for hair loss if you’re permanently losing hair. As with everything else in life, though, there is a caveat. In this situation, that caveat is the word permanently. Not all hair loss signifies an issue that will endure throughout your life. Understanding this is essential.
As it turns out, there are a variety of issues that could result in temporary hair loss. In many cases, you’ll need to deal with the underlying problem rather than seeking out medicated shampoos. For women, going through childbirth can cause temporary hair loss. Of course, most guys don’t have to worry about this issue personally.
If you’re experiencing sudden hair loss, ask yourself if you’re experiencing any of the following difficulties.
Constant Emotional or Physical Stress
A quick glance over at WebMD shows that stress can cause accelerated aging, obesity, gastrointestinal issues and even anxiety. Unfortunately, none of these issues are going to help you get a date. Please do us a favor, though, and don’t stick around on WebMD. You’ll think you have the bubonic plague by the time you’re done.
It sucks, but extreme stress can also cause your hair to enter the telogen phase. This means your follicles are resting rather than promoting growth, and this will increase shedding. Day-to-day stress typically isn’t enough to cause this issue, but extreme emotional stress or even a high fever can cause temporary hair loss.
Hypothyroidism Diagnosis
The most common cause of temporary hair loss – at least for men – is hypothyroidism. This condition can slow down metabolism, but it also hinders bodily functions like hair growth. If you get proper treatment, though, this process should reverse. The added benefit of your thyroid gland functioning properly is also pretty cool.
Changes in Medication
Some medications can impede hair growth, but it’s typically the combination of several prescriptions that cause this problem. Either way, take note if your hair loss didn’t start until after you began taking a new medicine. This is a very common cause of temporary hair loss. Your doctor may be able to change up your prescription to reverse the issue.
Patients who undergo chemotherapy also typically experience some hair loss. Over 90 percent of your hair is in the active growth phase, and the drugs from this treatment interfere with that process. Once you’ve completed therapy and the medications have cleared your body, though, hair should start coming back.
Hair Abuse
The idea that men don’t do much with their hair is prevalent, but most guys understand that it takes work to look their best. If you’re being especially rough on your mane, though, you may be causing temporary hair loss.
The use of products with chemicals combined with the application of heat can easily break off strands of hair. Even dying your hair, sporting tight man buns and blow drying can contribute to this damage. Go a little easier on your hair. It’ll repay the favor in the long run.
If you don’t believe your hair loss is related to any of these temporary issues, check out the hair restoration and other services provided at Barber Surgeons Guild.
What to Look for in Hair Loss Shampoos
There are tons of products on the market that proclaim their superiority as the best shampoo for hair loss. If we’ve learned anything from fast food marketing, though, it’s the fact that anyone can say they’re the best at anything. It’s pretty much a subjective term. Fortunately, there are telltale signs that help separate great brands from snake oil salesmen.
There are certain ingredients you should look for when seeking the best shampoo for hair loss. While a product doesn’t need all these substances to be effective, it’s pretty much a ‘the more, the merrier’ situation.
- Ketoconazole: One of the most common active ingredients in hair loss products.
- Biotin: Studies show that biotin may work as a supplement to other ingredients to increase the speed of regrowth.
- Saw Palmetto Extract: Researchers have long studied saw palmetto for its potential hair restorative qualities.
- Caffeine: DHT causes hair loss, and research shows that caffeine may interact with the hormone to improve early growing stages.
All these ingredients are included in BSG’s Trichoanagenic Factor to increase the chances of you achieving a fuller looking head of hair. The Hollywood Reporter seemed pretty ecstatic about this when they found out.
The main point of this discussion is that you should know what you’re purchasing. Avoid any ‘miracle cures’ you find from unknown organizations. Rest assured that if those unheard of treatments prove effective, pharmaceutical companies will jump at the chance to offer them in no time.
What to Avoid in Hair Loss Shampoos
There are countless hair care mistakes guys should avoid, but some of the most common are related to choosing the best shampoo for hair loss. In addition to not wasting your money on those random ‘miracle cures’ that we mentioned earlier, there are specific ingredients that can hinder your ability to have a healthier dome.
Here are a few of the most common but potentially harmful ingredients you’ll encounter.
Sulfates were long included in a variety of hair care products, and some manufacturers may still use them. You should avoid this ingredient at all costs since the additive that strips bad stuff out of your hair can also remove the good stuff. There’s not a product on earth containing sulfates that could ever realistically claim the title of ‘Best Shampoo for Hair Loss.’
Some people say you should never put anything into your body that you can’t pronounce. If we’re being completely honest, though, that’s a ridiculous rule to live by. It’s just coincidental that the rule holds true when it comes to phthalates.
Both this ingredient and parabens come with a significant possible side effect you may be interested in: decreased male fertility. Even if you’re not looking to have a kid right now, killing off the little guys in the name of hair restoration simply isn’t necessary.
The technical names for SLS and SLES are also difficult to pronounce, but again, that’s not why they’re bad for you. It just so happens that each of these ingredients can dry out your skin and hair. While the Environmental Protection Agency has recommended that these ingredients be discontinued, many shampoos still include them because they help work up a lather.
Best Hair Loss Shampoos on the Market
Now that you know all the considerations when it comes to choosing the best hair loss shampoos, you’re probably asking which specific products are your best option. Heck, maybe you even skipped to this section instead of increasing your knowledge on the condition. Trust us, though… you want to be as informed as possible when it comes to hair loss.
Either way, here’s what you came for.
There have been countless times in medical history when medicines for one condition have proven to be effective for other issues. Finasteride – typically used for treating enlarged prostates – is one of those medications. It turns out that it also decreases the amount of DHT hormone in your body. WebMD points out that this chemical change has been linked to slowed hair loss and even increased hair regrowth.
Again, don’t spend too much time on WebMD. You’re probably not having a stroke. Also keep in mind that finasteride isn’t a brand name. Instead, it’s an ingredient contained in many hair loss shampoos. Make sure to take note of other beneficial ingredients before settling on a specific product.
Just like finasteride, minoxidil is an ingredient contained in many of the best hair loss shampoos. It’s often used to treat thinning hair, but it’s not effective for male receding hairlines or baldness near the front of the scalp.
The crazy thing is that researchers aren’t even sure why minoxidil helps in the area of hair restoration. Let’s be completely honest, though… do you care? As long as it works, who’s complaining?
HCO1 Shampoo
The hair loss shampoo provided by Barber Surgeons Guild contains the BSG Trichoanagenic Factor discussed earlier. The proprietary blend of ingredients is meant to help you attain a fuller-looking head of hair. It contains some of the most commonly used hair restoration components and doesn’t affect your ability to use styling products.
If you’re experiencing hair loss, these may be some of the most essential products for your hair care regimen.
Can Other Products Help?
If you’re watching your hair fall out before your very eyes, it’s understandable that you might be a little disheartened. In fact, you may be wondering whether a single product could really get the job done. Calm your panties, Shirley, because you don’t have to stop at the best hair loss shampoos. You can use a variety of other products in conjunction to help combat the issue.
As it turns out, there are also conditioners out there that contain ingredients that have been used to fight hair loss. This may just give you the opportunity to make your current hair look amazing while improving the odds you’ll eventually get a lusher mane up top.
There are also texture liniment and hair serum products on the market that may be able to help. It’s important to look up any potential interactions that may occur, but if you’re sticking with the same active ingredient and get the go-ahead from a medical professional, you should be fine.
Finally, you’ll even find that some pomades can supplement the best hair loss shampoos out there. A few bloggers have made the claim that pomade actually causes thinning, but this is far from the truth. Improper care of your scalp – including not washing out certain pomades – is what can lead to issues.
You can find all these blends – including kits featuring each – on the BSG Products Page.
When Hair Loss Shampoos Aren’t Enough
Unfortunately, even the best hair loss shampoos sometimes aren’t enough. The active ingredients in many of these products are meant to combat early signs of thinning. While they may still help you get a fuller looking head of hair, there will be instances where shampoos and other cosmetic products simply won’t be enough.
If you’ve reached this point, you fortunately have a variety of treatment options available. Scalp camo, for instance, can make your hair look fuller without undergoing extensive treatment. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is also commonly used for its restorative qualities. Some athletes even utilize it to decrease healing time.
For those looking to stand right up to hair loss’s face, though, advanced robotic hair regeneration might be the best option. There are numerous additions to this therapy that dictate whether a hair transplant is worth the cost, but the end results are hard to argue with when the procedure is done correctly.
Hair loss shampoos are always a great first step to combat thinning hair, but if they’re just not getting the job done, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a more effective option than hair implants.
So, What’s the Best Shampoo for Hair Loss?
When it comes to losing your hair, there are a variety of factors to consider. Is it just a temporary issue or something you need to be concerned with? Is it too late to get noticeable results from even the best hair shampoos for hair loss or is there still time for a Hail Mary?
Every guy’s situation is different, but you should never ignore thinning hair unless you’re okay with it becoming a bigger issue. If you’re confused about what your next step should be or are ready to start on the path towards hair restoration, contact Barber Surgeons Guild today.