Why Pico Laser Facials are the Best Facial on the Market
While the skin care market today offers many topical and laser options for facials, pico laser facials are by far the most versatile, penetrating, and long lasting option. The gentle yet precise pico laser treatment is capable of going through the first few layers of skin, getting to the root of the problem. Facial therapies that utilize pico lasers gently disrupt and disperse pigmentation caused by freckles or sun damage as well as textures from wrinkles or acne scarring.
Pico lasers allow your doctor to work with incredible accuracy and are strong enough to penetrate through the surface of the skin to deeper layers, where the root of pigmentation lies. Unlike chemical peels, which, despite their harsh chemical content, only rest on top of the skin and content cannot penetrate any deeper, laser facials have very predictable outcomes, little to no recovery time, and no risk of redness or peeling caused by chemical burns. While there are other lasers on the market, pico laser therapy is by far the most versatile and gentle. Lasers that employ fractionated carbon dioxide to “resurface” the skin burn tiny microscopic holes in the skin in order to encourage the skin to heal back together more tightly.
Unfortunately, in this type of painful laser therapy there is often significant downtime with redness and peeling due to severe nature of the treatment. This therapy is also not particularly versatile as it is only recommended for light skin tones. Another class of inferior laser therapy is intensed pulse light (IPL), which is used to remove skin discolorations, but have little, if any, affect on skin tightening. The effects of IPL are not immediate and can take as many as six treatments before they are noticeable. When you get a pico laser facial from Barber Surgeon’s Guild, a gentle numbing solution is applied topically to the skin so the patient can better relax during the procedure. Most patients report a gentle warming sensation during treatment. After the procedure, skin may feel tender to the touch or appear slightly red for a few hours. While results are long lasting and noticeable after a single treatment, pico laser treatment is gentle enough to be part of your monthly skin care regimen and is suitable for any skin tone. “You can think of pico laser treatment as a deep cleanse to the face, washing off all the sun damage and toxic environmental effects we are exposed to every day.” says BSG’s founder, Dr. Justin Rome.
If you’d like to learn more or schedule a consultation, be sure to check us out online here to discuss what individual treatment or membership options are right for you and your skin.