Q&A With Peter Mallord
Peter James Mallord was born and raised in the ghetto by the sea aka Venice Beach. The son of a preacher, Mallord grew up skating, surfing, and riding motorcycles. He spent a lot of time behind the scenes in the backstreets of Venice, CA, the stuff your average tourist doesn’t see.
What gives you the most pride in the work that you do?
For me, the pride comes from impressing myself, which doesn’t come easy. Like most people, I like to be a perfectionist in my work. Something that might be pleasing to someone else, I see the flaws and what I can improve upon. There is always room to strive for more. I take pride in knowing that I don’t settle for the average.
What’s your grooming routine?
My grooming style is simple and efficient. A quick shower in the morning with a shampoo rinse, and let the conditioner soak in my hair while I get to the body wash. After, I go for an air dry approach to my hair as I don’t have time to blow dry and it leaves a cool, natural look.
How would you describe your style and why do you choose that look?
My style is versatile. I rarely wear the same style of clothing day-to-day as I like to keep it fresh and unique. Sometimes i’ll go for the beach bum look on a day I’m feeling relaxed, and the next I’ll go for a nicer button up and slacks to impress. I find it good to keep them guessing and I enjoy a fresh look to go with my mood of the day.
What and who inspires you?
I’m inspired by the people and sights around me. In Venice there is always something unique going on. From street performers, skaters, artists, to the people out of this world. It’s crazy how much similar yet diverse we are. Along with the fresh breeze and palm trees, mixed with the graffiti and culture there is nothing like the gritty beach to me.
What advice do you have for people who want to achieve success?
Always focus on where you’re at, and not the people around you. You never know what privileges or handicaps others have and anything in this life is a manifestation of what you make it. The saying is that it takes ten-thousand hours to become a master in anything, but I believe that is only the beginning and your limits are only what you set for yourself.