3 Tips for Dressing Like a Gentleman in Your 30s
Figuring out how to dress age-appropriately is just another challenge once you hit that daunting milestone: age 30. The era of Adulting has dawned. That might not mean removing every tattoo you rocked in your 20s, and it definitely doesn’t mean resigning yourself to turning into your dad. But it does mean embracing your stage in life. You’re older and more composed now. So, to access your inner gentleman, dress the part.
Dressing age-appropriately is just another challenge once you hit that daunting milestone: age 30. The era of Adulting has dawned. That might not mean removing every tattoo you rocked in your 20s, and it definitely doesn’t mean resigning yourself to turning into your dad. But it does mean embracing your stage in life. You’re older and more composed now. So, to access your inner gentleman, dress the part.
1. Shoes
Just because you’re in your 30s doesn’t mean that you’re past your prime. Actually, for most guys, 30 is about when we startto look and feel like men. This is your opportunity to impress yourself, your colleagues and everyone in your dating pool with your maturity and your new look. For starters, spend some money on a few nice pairs of shoes. Turns out, women look at a man’s shoes all the time. A guy walking around in slip-ons with broken soles that squeak everytime he takes a step is an instant turn-off. So pick out your trusty brown and black for office-wear, and make sure they match your belt. Wear lighter colors in the summer, darker colors in the winter. Options for a dressed-down look after the work day’s over? Sperries, Vans and Chuck. With your new adult shoes – you will need dapper socks. Check out Souther Scholar.
2. The Whole Getup
A shabby pair of shoes will most certainly break your ensemble, but they won’t necessarily make it, either. That’s on you. Dress appropriately for each social occasion, but always make sure you’re in clothes that actually fit you. Throw out anything that’s too tight or too baggy. (Nothing flaunts a dad bod quite like shirts and pants that aren’t your size.) And if you’re like most guys, you may not be graced with brilliant fashion sense, so check into style tips throughout the year as new brand lines appear each season. Also, for work attire or formal functions, make sure you put on those finishing touches that help you stand out — cufflinks, a good watch or a shirt that’s perfectly ironed. Details like that can help give you the confidence you need to network or snag that promotion.
3. Makeup for Men
A beard is often called “makeup for men” because it can cover up a guy’s acne or define his jaw. Just the way that not all women need makeup, not all men need a beard. But if that’s your look, consider getting a good trim to stay sharp. Also, now that you’re in your 30s, you may be goings will never let you down.
through that low-level trauma that most guys deal with: losing your hair. Yep, nearly all men experience some male pattern baldness. So don’t freak out. The right stylist will be able to assess the situation and give you a signature haircut. Weirdly, keeping it short will probably make you look like you have more hair than if you let it grow out. Which is a good thing. Nothing screams “I’m bald!” quite like covering up your baldness.
Overhauling your look takes some planning, and if you don’t know where to start, ask for help. That might mean jumping on a blog like the one at the Barber Surgeons Guild (who know a little bit about men’s styling), or scrolling through their products and services for more options. Or check out the pros at “Queer Eye.” The cast members over there are dubbed the “Fab Five” because they bring expertise in five areas: grooming, design, culture, fashion and food and wine. What’s great about them is that they don’t try to change their clients; they just trim them up a little and give them the confidence they deserve. Which is what the Barber Surgeons Guild is about: staying fit, looking sharp and aging with style.