7 Hair Care Mistakes Every Guy Needs to Avoid
You groom every day, spend a lot of time at the barber, and follow all the top 10 male hair influencers on Instagram. And yet, you still experience waking up every day to considerably less hair, a receding hairline, or even an embarrassing bald patch.
Perhaps you have considered PRP, or Advanced Robotic Hair Restoration Treatments. But before you sign up for anything, you really want to know what you’re doing that is causing hair loss!
The Barber-Surgeons Guild often sees men make these seven common mistakes—which do lead to hair loss. Are you guilty of making them?
1. Washing with the wrong kind of Shampoo
Not all shampoos are created equally! Some are too harsh and might wash away the natural oils that protect your scalp. Many shampoos on the market will strip away the natural oils faster than others. Use the BSG HCO1 Edition Shampoo for extra moisturize and hydration.
Same goes with conditioner: Always ensure you are using a good quality one, such as the BSG HCO1 Edition Conditioner.
2. Being too Rough on Your Scalp
No, we’re not talking about foreplay. 😉 Speaking of over-washing, how you wash also matters.
A lot of guys tend to roughly wash their hair, especially during the morning rush to work. But this can weaken the hair follicles or even break the skin on your scalp. Instead of scratching your scalp roughly, try a gentle massage with the shampoo—using the pads of your fingers carefully.
3. Getting the Wrong Hairstyle
Whose hairstyle are you looking at for inspiration? Did you know that the wrong cut can, in fact, enhance thinning hair, or make receding bits more obvious?
The best course of action is to talk with your barber about which look suits you best. Not what looks great on someone else.
4. Doing Too Many Head-Spins
Yep, hair loss from too many head-spins is a thing! George Sampson, who won BGT when he was 14, turned to hair regrowth treatments because of this mistake! It resulted in an ugly strip down his head.
“My hair loss comes from three things,” he told reporters. “…alopecia (caused by a lot of stress and loss of a family member), genetics and head spinning!” He later showed off the incredible results of his new hair.
5. Having Poor Hair Dye Treatments
Men who color or bleach their hair often may experience more hair loss, due to the chemicals in hair dyes. Peroxide and ammonia are not only strong-smelling, but if you have a sensitive scalp it can burn quite a lot.
Clients who come in for hair color have to be very particular and careful to only use products that do not cause a negative reaction. Also, don’t try to color your own hair at home. The cheap, DIY hair dye can be the worst culprit.
6. Getting Yourself in One Too Many Stressful Situations
Hair loss can result after a particularly stressful time. No wonder there’s that saying, “I feel like pulling my hair out!”
This actually happens to people who suffer from trichotillomania. Trichotillomania (trik-o-til-o-MAY-nee-uh), an irresistible urge to pull out hair. Those who have this issue will not just pull hair from their scalp, but also eyebrows and other body hair.
Telogen effluvium is another issue that happens when the body’s stress levels cause the hair follicles to do something similar to a growth stunt or dry spell. It will only take months from then for the hair strands to start falling out uncontrollably.
Then there’s alopecia areata, when the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles and causes extreme hair loss. If you are feeling extreme frustration or negativity, or having too many stressful days in a row, talk to a buddy about getting the right kind of help.
And remember, it could be more serious than you think! If you suspect an underlying medical condition, ask a doctor about professional hair restoration options and treatment.
7. Not Educating Yourself on Hair and Grooming
This leads us to the final mistake: lack of education. In this day and age of technology, it’s no one’s fault but yours.
Unless you have been studying hair market trends, educating yourself on healthy choices, and knowing what is available for hair problems, how will you know how to stop your hair from falling out?
Chances are, you’re not even aware that you’re using the wrong kind of hair shampoo, and don’t know where to find the best hair shampoo for your scalp.
David Gandy is one of the world’s most famous male models. Here are some tips he shared as part of his grooming routine:
a) I think the biggest problem is that men don’t do enough grooming.
Outside a certain demographic, many think a moisturiser is enough when it probably isn’t. A lot of guys aren’t aware that moisture can only refresh cells beneath dead skin, so without a good scrub, it won’t have maximum impact.
b) Remember that it’s also worth spending a bit of money.
c) The more natural and organic the product, the better.
If alcohol is the third listed ingredient, it’s probably not very good for your skin. Bloody Marys probably won’t help either.
d) Read the products!
A colourful bottle on the shelf for a couple of quid is probably not the best, so spending a little extra on brands is worth it.
The last point is especially important–just because a product looks shiny and new, doesn’t mean it’s packed with nutrients for your hair. In fact, the opposite could be true.
Robotic hair restoration is just one of the many treatments offered at BSG. We also show you how to get the best from your grooming and styling products. For example, the BSG HCO1 Edition Conditioner is perfect if you need visibly stronger, softer hair.
Plus, any fitness and styling tips you need—you can find them all on our dispatch. Check out the BSG blog, call a consultant, or book your hair regeneration appointment today!