BSG Ingredients: Parsley Extract

Parsley, a common Mediterranean garnish, is a plant powerhouse with a history of being used as a medicinal herb. Pliny (23-79 AD) mentioned parsley as a remedy for ill fish. Homer mentions horses being fed parsley before battle in hopes it would fortify them, making them faster in the field. In Tudor England, the herb had numerous uses. In addition to being used externally to treat lice and bug bites as well as in salves to prevent hair loss, parsley was used as a medicinal ingredient as a diuretic, and a treatment for gallstones.Conversely, 1805’s The Gardener’s Dictionary by Phillip Miller identified parsley as being lethal to small birds. The Romans believed it could cause epilepsy in children and it was an abortifacient in German folk culture.Parsley’s nickname “The Devil’s Herb” comes not from these associations with parsley, but from Roman folklore. Roman folklore holds many superstitions about parsley, due to the low germination rate of the herb’s seeds. It was believed that the devil had taken the seeds that did not succeed in sprouting. Romans would swap laurel crowns for crowns of parsley while competing on fields where battles had recently been fought to ward off evil spirits under the assumption that by wearing the devil’s herb, spirits would not feel the need to pervert an already evil soul.

Like any powerful herb used medicinally, Parsley’s positive effects can become negative if you exceed the appropriate dosage. Parsley extract is derived from the seeds, roots, and stems of the plant. While the leafy herb is safe for consumption, due to the intensity of Parsley Extract it should not be consumed or applied topically without the recommendation and guidance of a trusted doctor.

Parsley’s benefits come from it’s biological components. It contains apigenin, an antioxidant flavonoid which has been shown to help reduce hair shedding by the upregulation of TGF-beta1 gene. In addition, The plant contains antioxidants luteolin, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin A, manganese, calcium, and potassium. Due to the apigenin content of the oil, parsley extract may be damaging to the liver and act as an abortifacient in pregnant woman if consumed orally.

Parsley extract is a time honored tonic key to successful scalp maintenance. It helps to maintain scalp health, an important aspect of preventing hair loss. When looking for a haircare product, make sure it has parsley extract as in the Anagenic Blend of BSG’s products.