How SculpSure Laser Body Contouring Works
How SculpSure Laser Body Contouring Works
You may have heard of SculpSure before, but you figure that you don’t need laser body contouring as long as you follow a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise.
Unfortunately, exercising and dieting don’t always get you to your goal. Many men (and women) have problem areas where they find it impossible to shed those last few pounds. For instance, you may have a bit of a gut that you can’t get rid of no matter how many miles you run.
You’d think that your daily workout would take care of your manboobs and beer belly, especially since you stopped drinking beer in your attempt to lose weight. Some areas of the body, however, will resist all of your efforts.
That’s where SculpSure laser body contouring comes in.
How the SculpSure Process Works
Don’t let the phrase “laser body contouring” scare you away from SculpSure. While the SculpSure process uses lasers, it’s not like someone is going to shave off bits of your body. In fact, SculpSure is one of the most effective, non-invasive techniques for losing weight.
In a NewBeauty article, Elise Minton tries SculpSure to see how it will work for her. During an interview with Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Simon, he explains that SculpSure uses “diode laser technology to obliterate fat under the skin. The laser energy is transmitted through the skin and then absorbed by the fatty tissue…”. The heat destroys those fat cells, which then get removed from the body through natural processes.
Research shows that a 25-minute SculpSure treatment can destroy up to 24 percent of fat cells.
Lasers? That Still Sounds Painful!
SculpSure can cause discomfort in some people. The doctors at BSG can adjust the temperature settings to keep the process as comfortable as possible. Still, you may feel some heat in the target area. If you want to look your best, you’re going to have to man (or woman) up and accept some discomfort.
Hey, it’s not like lifting weights and running marathons feels good. Everything comes at a price. With SculpSure, the physical price that you pay is very affordable.
Much like exercise, it takes some time before you will see the results of SculpSure. In an Allure interview with Macela Mackenzie, New York City plastic surgeon Darren Smith says that it takes about three months to see the results of SculpSure. That’s the same protocol that the doctors at BSG use because spreading your treatments out over three months will give you the best results and help minimize your discomfort.
If you’re worried about the discomfort, you should keep in mind that the treatments last less than half an hour and they target a specific area of the body. After a treatment, you can go about your day without any limitations.
Maintaining the Results of SculpSure
SculpSure is not a weight loss treatment for overweight or obese people. It’s intended for people who don’t get the physical results that they want after months of following an exercise program.
After SculpSure helps you reach your goal, you need to stay disciplined. Otherwise, the fat will return. Just like you can’t expect training for one marathon to keep you thin forever, you can’t expect SculpSure to eliminate stubborn belly fat forever. If you go back to eating junk food and sitting on your couch, then you will lose the advances that SculpSure gave you.
As long as you combine SculpSure with a healthful diet and a daily workout plan, though, you’re good to go.
Learn more today by scheduling a consultation with one of the doctors at BSG. While you’re there, you can learn about the other grooming and medical grooming services offered by BSG’s professionals.