Platelet-Rich Plasma: What You Can Expect from PRP Hair Maintenance

If you’ve been researching hair restoration methods, you’ve no doubt come across the term platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Then again, maybe this is the first time you’re hearing about it. Either way, it may just be your key to getting the thick head of hair that we all know the ladies love.

When it comes down to it, though, you’ve certainly heard more about other hair restoration processes. So, what makes PRP so special? We’re glad you asked! Here’s a little more information on the process and everything you can expect from PRP hair maintenance.

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

While PRP maintenance is certainly well-known among the hair restoration community, it’s important to point out that it does so much more than just give you a fuller mane to show off at parties. In fact, the traits that make it so popular for this purpose have been providing health benefits in countless other areas.

To put it simply, PRP is a component of your blood that stimulates growth and aids in healing. While this obviously has huge implications for hair loss, it’s also been used to treat injuries in sports megastars like Tiger Woods and Rafael Nadal. In fact, many athletes credit PRP with getting them back into the game quicker.


To get more technical – just in case it’s on your biology exam later – PRP is a growth factor that contains far more platelets than the other portions of your blood. This concentration of growth factors makes it ideal for quick healing and growth promotion.

The best part? The preparation of PRP makes these growth factors even more concentrated. At this point, you’re ready for your procedure. Right? Listen, fair warning: Don’t use cheap products or hair tools in your new locks. Celebrity hairstylist Harry Josh says this is the biggest mistake you can make with your new ‘do.

The Benefits of PRP

If the growth stimulation aspect of this blood concentrate isn’t enough to convince you that it’s the right time for PRP, you’re a tough nut to crack. Of course, you do have an extensive list of other potential hair restoration methods to try out. When you look at the benefits of PRP, though, you’ll understand why it’s superior.

  • In addition to promoting growth, PRP can also thicken miniaturized hairs.
  • No unnatural additives can result in annoying side effects.
  • Any other side effects are rare and typically not worth writing home about.
  • It’s your blood, so there’s zero risks of allergic reactions or rejection.
  • Can be used in conjunction with other hair loss therapies.

The benefits of PRP are numerous, and the procedure is a simple one that doesn’t even require a friend to drive you home after. Instead, head out with that buddy to party after your luscious locks start coming back in. If you need extra tips on looking great during your outing, check out the BSG Mag.

PRP vs Other Hair Restoration Methods

Whenever you’re looking into procedures to fight hair loss, it’s important that you do your research. After all, you want to know the best options out there for your specific needs. That’s why you should compare PRP to other hair restoration methods.


It’s a bit difficult to directly compare ARTAS robotic hair transplants to platelet-rich plasma. They’re apples to oranges. In general, PRP would be inadequate for hair transplant candidates. The growth factor in the substance can’t create new hairs.

With that being said, PRP injections are often used after an ARTAS hair transplant to increase blood flow to the area. This acts as a sort of fertilizer. To put it simply, ARTAS is appropriate when PRP isn’t enough. The combination of the two, however, is better than either on its own.

PRP vs Hair Loss Medications

Medications such as finasteride and minoxidil have become very popular options for hair loss treatment. These medications accomplish essentially the same thing as PRP. Hair growth is stimulated and miniaturized hairs are thickened. So, what could be different here?


To start, PRP has been shown to be more effective than these traditional medical treatments. In fact, recent research has shown that platelet-rich plasma injections were effective in patients who saw no effect from minoxidil and finasteride.

Additionally, you can go months between PRP injections. Medications, on the other hand, are sometimes required daily. This isn’t to say that drug-based therapies won’t work for you, but if they don’t, PRP is more likely to get the results you want.

PRP vs Wigs

Come on, seriously?

PRP vs Strip Harvesting

Just as was the case with ARTAS, comparing PRP to strip harvesting is like apples to oranges. They aim to remedy slightly different problems. The reason it’s even being mentioned is to point out that you should avoid strip harvesting at all costs.

This follicular unit extraction (FUE) technique is said to aim for results similar to ARTAS, but it can leave significant scarring and result in large recovery times. If it came down to keeping the hair you have with PRP or dealing with the side effects of strip harvesting, you might want to stick with PRP every time.

The PRP Procedure

We get that undergoing a procedure where needles are involved can be scary. Just close your eyes and imagine yourself with a fuller head of hair. Maybe you’re on a beach and that mane makes you confident enough to approach that pretty girl over – oh wait, is that the super-gorgeous actress Rachel Faulkner?!?


Okay, you’re nervous again. Open your eyes. Back to reality. In all seriousness, you shouldn’t need a fantasy incentive to make you feel better about the procedure. It’s a simple process, and once you understand it, you’ll realize why it’s become one of the most popular.

Step 1: Blood is drawn from your arm and then processed for PRP.

Step 2: Scalp numbing injections are given so the procedure is painless.

Step 3: Tiny injections of PRP are given at the hair follicle level.

Step 4: You’re done. Go home or get something to eat.

It’s really that simple. At Barber Surgeons Guild, you’ll alternate PRP with a microneedling every month to stimulate blood flow. If you’re getting robotic hair restoration, the concentrated substance is injected after hairs are put into their new pores.

Regardless of how you undergo the therapy, it’s always that simple. Oh – by the way – don’t mess with Rachel Faulkner if you see her on the beach. Just saying.

PRP is the Way to Go

Whether used on its own or in addition to other hair loss therapies, the benefits of platelet-rich plasma cannot easily be overlooked. This “miracle” ingredient resides in our own blood, so when it comes to all-natural hair restoration, it can’t really be outdone. When you’re ready to tackle your hair loss head on, make sure to check out PRP and the other hair loss treatments we offer at Barber Surgeons Guild.
